I specialise in stress and anxiety and closely related issues, but I also have lots of experience in and find it really fulfilling to work with other areas too

Examples of other issues SF Hypnotherapy can help with:

* Low Mood and Depression
* Improve Performance e.g. sport, speeches, music
* Phobias
* Pain management
* Weight Loss

Please note that I’m updating parts of my website atm, so some buttons are not working yet. Thank you for your patience. Lena

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Low mood and Depression

Depression, just as anxiety, had survival value to us as stone age men and women. Evolution works over very long time periods though and just because humans have made extraordinary advances "lately", this does not mean that the brain has changed in the same way. The brain is wired to become depressed under certain circumstances which is one reason depression and low mood are so common. 

Using Solution Focused Hypnotherapy, I will work with you so you will see that your brain is perfectly normal and is in fact is trying to help you (in its own very Stone age way). Then learn how to use your brain so it functions well in our modern world, reduce stress, and install new, helpful thinking for you.

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Improve Performance

fMRI and other types of studies have shown that in trance, the brain treats mental and physical practice in much the same way and therefore achieves similar results. Mental practice in hypnosis not only gives gives people endless opportunities to practise, it also lets people practise excellent performance.

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Phobias and Fears

A phobia is an extreme and overwhelming fear of something that doesn’t respond to logical thinking. It can significantly restrict people's lives. The list of possible phobias is so long, it doesn’t make much sense to give examples here.

Has the phobia become a problem to you?

Solution Focused hypnotherapy and/or the Rewind Technique are often very effective in treating it so you can get on to do the things you want to do. How it’s treated depends on if it is a specific or generalised phobia.

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Stop Smoking

Smoking is, despite what people in general think, only to about 10% a physical addiction. The results of a meta-analysis of stop smoking studies - the largest ever scientific comparison looking at more than 600 studies which contained 72,000 people in total, from America and Europe - showed that hypnosis was three times more effective than nicotine patches or nicotine replacement methods and 15 times as effective as trying to quit alone, and concluded that hypnosis is by far the most effective way of giving up smoking (published in the Journal of Applied Psychology 77(4):554-61, 1992).

Would you like to know that you’re giving yourself a better chance of a longer and healthier life so you can be around for your family, for yourself, and save money for interesting things like maybe a holiday? It’s a one off session that can change your life and make you feel healthier and proud of yourself.

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Weight loss

I work with my clients to strengthen their reasons for why they want to lose weight (motivation comes and goes so knowing your true reason is really important to keep you on track) and planning for success. Hypnosis is also very good for lowering general stress and this affects both hunger and how much of the calories we store. It's also important to understand some of how the brain works so we work with ourselves instead of against (which is the usual way people try to lose weight).

Imagine moving freely, feeling stronger, healthier and happy in your body, wearing the clothes you like, knowing that you’re being true to yourself. Give me a call to book in a free Initial Consultation to see how this would work for you.

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