
Research is finding more and more, how important sleep is to us. Sleep not only regulates our immune system so we can stay healthy, slim, transfer knowledge into long term memory so we can learn new things etc; but it is also crucial to mental health. 

When we dream, we process problems we have not dealt with during the day (or previously). If we lack sleep, we therefore become more stressed. The tricky bit is that it is very often stress that keeps us awake in the first place so it becomes a vicious circle.

SF Hypnotherapy can help insomnia by helping the client understand the stress response and what to do about it. The hypnosis and suggestions will further reduce stress and give the clients the space needed to implement changes that help them feel that they can cope. Coping helps you feel calmer and therefore more likely to be able to sleep. Even if you don’t sleep as well as you’d like, it won’t disturb you as much as before because you will know that you can cope anyway.